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Finally spring has come. Spring months, as the harbinger of the summer, are the times when the sun shows its face, the nature wakes up and our energy rises however unfortunately they are also the time of disease for our children...

Some diseases become more common in children who spend their time more in open spaces such as parks, gardens and etc. upon the arrival of spring season.

Allergic diseases such as seasonal allergic rhinitis and asthma as well as upper and lower respiratory tract infections caused by high amount of pollens in the environment in addition to pharyngitis, bronchiolitis, childhood rash diseases, and diarrhea related to viruses also occur very frequently during the spring season.

However, it is possible to handle this period more comfortably by virtue of small measures. Here are some small tips to this end:

1. Pay attention to nutrition:

A good and balanced diet ensures the strengthening of the immune system in every period. Make sure your child has sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals. Do not overlook foods rich in beneficial probiotics such as yogurt and kefir.

2. Choose the Right Clothes:

Generally infectious diseases occur during periods of sudden change in air temperatures. In this period the child must be dressed according to the temperature.

3. Pay attention to hand washing in children

Hand washing is one of the simplest and most effective means of preventing infections in every period.

4. Protect from household dust:

The best way to protect against allergies is to protect against allergens, in other words pollens and household dusts throughout the year. In this period, people with such allergies should avoid being outside for too long.

5. Clean Air is a Must:

Take care to ensure that your environment is well ventilated.

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